Wednesday, July 21, 2010

L.J. McDonald's Heroes Fight for the Love of One Woman

The Battle Sylph

The Battle Sylph by L.J. McDonald

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

L.J. McDonald crafts a complete and enjoyable world in The Battle Sylph. Filled with action and drama from its beginning to its bittersweet end, this novel tells a tale of court intrigue, family drama and unusual romance. It's the perfect beachside or summer picnic read.

When the book opens, our heroine Solie is on the run from an arranged marriage. Her streak of poor luck continues when she's picked up by the king's guard to be offered as a sacrifice. The king wishes to acquire a battle sylph for his son and the only thing that captures their attention is the blood sacrifice of a young virgin.

The sylph are shape-shifting magical creatures attuned to the elements, air, fire, water and earth. Humans call them through magical portals then bind them to a master whom they must obey. Sylphs perform simple tasks for their masters, such as flying boats, starting fires and washing laundry and people.

Battle sylphs are different. Their talent lies in all forms of destruction. Kings of the various kingdoms in this world call them forth to use them as weapons. Solie thwrats her king's plans when she binds Heyou, the battle sylph intended to be his son's protector to herself. When Heyou helps her escape, they set events in motion that will forever change Solie and the human world.


Read the sequel to learn what happens to the new community's wounded hero, Ril the battle sylph.

 The Shattered Sylph

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Gena Showalter's Darkest Passion Brings Light to the Lords of the Underworld

The Darkest Passion (Hqn) The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Gena Showalter's action packed alternate universe, demons need love too and that includes the Lords of the Underworld. Each Lord, in this brotherhood of ultra masculine and occasionally noble warriors, is possessed by one of the demons formerly housed in Pandora's box.

They are at war with the Hunters, a vigilante militia group lead by their archenemy, Galen. Galen has the appearance of an angel, but carries the demon of [false:] Hope.

The two groups are in a race to gather several ancient relics. The Lords of the Underworld want the relics,so they can continue their long lives. Galen's minions, the Hunters, believe that they seek the relics to be able to kill the Lords and free the world of their demons; in reality, Galen's goal is to rule heaven and earth, and not with benevolence.

In this installment, Aeron, the Lord possessed by the demon of Wrath, perceives the presence of an angel sent to dispatch him and send his demon back to hell. He has unwittingly broken the rules by adopting a minor demon named Legion as his daughter, whom he summons at will. Separating Aeron from his head and as a consequence his demon, offers a two fold win for team heaven; his death would send Wrath back to hell and force Legion to remain their.

The angel sent to carry out the deed, Olivia, cannot bring herself to complete her task. She originally served in Heaven as a joy-bringer and received the promotion to warrior quite unexpectedly. The new assignment goes against her nature, or so she thinks. She also finds herself enthralled by and enamoured of Aeron. She quite literally, falls from heaven for him rather than kill him. Once Aeron recognizes what she is and the attraction that he and his demon share for her, he begins to look for the fastest way to get her back to heaven and remove himself from the path of temptation.

Gena Showalter is one of the better paranormal romance writers currently publishing work. Her work is thoughtful, but fun. She uses classic themes and character types to craft romance with engaging and unexpected angles.

The storyline of The Darkest Passion is layered and fun. If this is your first visit to the realm of the Lords of the Underworld, you'll still be able to enjoy the story as a stand alone read. I recommend this book and plan to read the previous novels; I'm a fiend for good novel series.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In this Anita Blake Adventure, Flirting Is Not for the Faint Hearted

Flirt (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Book 18) 

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laurell K. Hamilton takes us into the underside of the mundane with "Flirt." Readers get a glimpse of Anita's back story; they learn a little more about the life that made her who she is. They also get a quick and dirty series of events that include an abduction, death threats and another addition to Anita's collection of male companions, or menu selections depending on your perspective.

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